Bishops' Workshop on Medical-Moral Issues
To present the Church's position on biomedical and health issues in the public forum clearly and faithfully, bishops, priests and other experts need to be trained adequately. To that end, the Knights of Columbus underwrites the bishops' workshop on medical-moral issues held every other year in Dallas by the National Catholic Bioethics Center in Boston.
Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
Since 1988, the Knights of Columbus has sponsored the North American session of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and the Family in Washington, D.C. Annually, dozens of students graduate from the institute with advanced degrees in the Church's teaching on marriage and family life and begin careers in diocesan family life offices or other institutions where they can impart to others the power and beauty of the Gospel of Life.
Columbia Magazine
Regularly, Columbia magazine publishes pro-life features in addition to columns and stories that promote family.
Running of the Silver Rose
The Silver Rose program features a sculpted silver rose carried by Knights from Canada, through the United States, to Mexico, bringing the Culture of Life message on its journey. The silver rose is received at councils and parishes along its way and Masses and prayer services are offered. Special border ceremonies with Fourth Degree honor guards are held when the rose is transferred from one state to another. The Silver Rose program is a sign of the Order's unity on life issues.
II. Prayer
Day of the Unborn Child
This international program is held annually on March 25th, the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord. Focusing on the pro-life meaning of the Annunciation, councils hold pro-life prayer services. In 2003, the Supreme Council sponsored a Holy Hour in St. Mary's Church in New Haven, Connecticut, that was broadcast live by the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN).
Respect Life Month
The Order collaborates with the Pro-Life Secretariat of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops on the observance of October as "Respect Life Month." The Order distributes the Respect Life Program folder to thousands of Knights of Columbus leaders to assist them with pro-life programming on the local level. The Order also provides substantial annual funding for the U.S. bishops' public information and education office and the Diocesan Development Program for Natural Family Planning. Funding is also provided to the bishops' conferences of Canada, Mexico and the Philippines for pro-life and family projects.
III. Public Policy
Culture of Life Legislative Initiative
As Catholics, Knights of Columbus have the responsibility to work for the common good of society. Catholics--and especially Knights--must, in the words of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, "embrace their citizenship not merely as a duty and a privilege, but as an opportunity to participate in building the culture of life. Every voice matters in the public forum. Every voice counts. Every act of responsible citizenship is an exercise of significant individual power." The Culture of Life Legislative Initiative seeks to assist councils in becoming more effective in the public sphere.
Legislative Priorities
The Legislative Priorities section informs our membership on vital issues and enables them, directly from the site, to contact their senators and representative.
Vote Pro-Life
Led by the Fourth Degree, the Order encourages its own members--and all people--to vote pro-life. The Knights of Columbus feels that the right to life is not a partisan issue, but rather the pre-eminent moral issue of our time.
A United Nations Non-Governmental Organization
The United Nations has granted the Knights of Columbus status as a nongovernmental organization (NGO). This designation entitles the Order to participate in U.N. conferences and activities at a variety of levels.
IV. Financial Contributions
If you would like to join us in this effort to preserve the dignity of all human life from conception to its natural end, consider joining us
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